Welcome to the website of the Robin Chapel. Whether you come as part of a Christian denomination, or none all have a place within these walls, where the love of God dwells.

Within these pages you will discover the work of the Chapel, its purpose, and function. The Chapel holds a unique place within the ecclesiastical life of Scotland in being interdenominational. A church dedicated to the glory of God and a home for all Christians, a place of unity.

I would also like assure everyone that the Pastoral Care of the Church is available to everyone. This includes, The Sacrament of Baptism, The Eucharist, Counselling, Funerals and The Last Rights [in accordance with the Church of England rubrics].
Requests should be made to the Chaplain, Dr Iain Barclay on 07393232736 at any time.

Sunday Services

The Sunday Service in the Robin Chapel is at 4pm. Our Chaplain, The Reverend Dr Iain C. Barclay has revised the liturgies for Sunday worship and our Director of Music, Paul Gudgin, works with him to ensure a wide range of music from renaissance to twenty-second century choral repertoire, alongside traditional hymnody, and psalmody.


All our Services are ecumenical. The Chapel is dedicated to the memory of Robin Tudsbery who was tragically Killed in Action on the last day of the Second World War. His parents’ wish was that all will be welcome in the Chapel no matter their spiritual journey or none.


Guest preachers representing different denominations are a feature of our Services to ensure every branch of the Christian church is represented.


Special Services

Our Special Services for 2024 are as follows.



21 January 2024 – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Guest Preacher: The Reverend James W. Aitchison, Former Army Chaplain


28 January 2024 – Holocaust Memorial Day [Sunday following 27 January annually]

The Service will be conducted by the Very Reverend Professor Iain R. Torrance KCVO Pro-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen.

Guest Preacher

Rabbi Mark L Solomon, of the Liberal Jewish Tradition.

Lecturer in Rabbinic Literature at the Leo Baeck College, London


4 February 2024 – Sunday following the ‘Presentation of Christ in the Temple’

Service of Readings and Carols for Epiphany


31 March 2024 – Easter Day

Preacher: The Chaplain


5 May 2024 – Sixth Sunday of Easter

Service commemorating the occasion of Lt Robin Tudsbery’s death on 30 April 1945

Guest Preacher: The Reverend Paul Sweeting, Chaplain to Sedbergh School (which Robin Tudsbery attended)

Guest Scripture Reader: tbc

To be followed by Afternoon Tea in the Thistle Foundation [main building].


19 May 2024 – Pentecost

‘Assembly Sunday’ marking the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland

Guest Preacher: tbc


23 June 2024 – Fifth Sunday in Trinity

Cadet Sunday – being the Anniversary of ‘Soldier’s Sunday’ – the Battle of Waterloo

Guest Preacher: tbc


14 July 2024 – Eighth Sunday in Trinity

Being the Sunday immediately following the date of Robin F S Tudsbery’s birth on 8 July 1919

Guest Preacher: tbc

Guest Scripture Reader: tbc

To be followed by Afternoon Tea in the Thistle Foundation [main building].

25 August 2024 – Commemorating the Dedication of the Robin Chapel on 20 August 1953 in the presence of H.M. Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother.

Guest Preacher: Bishop John Armes, Scottish Episcopal Bishop of Edinburgh

Guest Scripture Reader: tbc

To be followed by Afternoon Tea in the Thistle Foundation [Main Building]


6 October 2024 – Service of Thanksgiving for the Golden Jubilee of the Commissioning of Nan Rennie, DCS on 3 October 1974.

Guest Preacher: The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland

Reader : Professor Herbert A. Kerrigan KC, Chairman, The Thistle Trust

17 November 2024 – Remembrance Sunday


1 December 2024 – Service Of Carols and Readings For Advent


8 December 2024 – Christingle Service


15 December 2024 – Service Of Nine Lessons and Carols For Christmas


22 December 2024 –  Pre Christmas Worship


29 December 2024 – No Service

Please check our Facebook page for up-to-date information.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Face Masks: There is currently no requirement for those attending to wear face masks.

Booking seats: This will not be required except on stated occasions such as Special Services, Remembrance and The Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. Such occasions will be intimated on the Robin Chapel website.

Contact Details: If any worshipper wishes to leave their contact details by which they wish to be advised if an incidence of COVID-19 is advised to the Chapel Staff, they are asked to do so via email to the Chaplain.

Please note that the foregoing is subject to Scottish Government guidance.

The following Vacancies currently exist at the Robin Chapel 

Lay Clerks in Choirs of the Cathedral tradition are normally ‘male only’ and Choristers are young voices. However, in the Robin Chapel Lay Clerks and Choristers are adult male and female. The appointment of Lay Clerk is a paid tenured appointment and that of Chorister is a paid occasional appointment.
Currently we are seeking ‘expressions of interest’ for all parts. If you have the requisite music skills. and would like to be auditioned, please contact the Chaplain, Dr Iain C Barclay by email – chaplain@robinchapel.org.uk – and he will arrange an interview.

Choristers are also being sought for all parts in this SATB Choir. If you are interested in having your name added to our list of occasional singers, have the requisite music skills. and would like to be auditioned, please contact the Chaplain, Dr Iain C Barclay by email – chaplain@robinchapel.org.uk – and he will arrange an interview.

As Chairman I wish to echo the Chaplain’s welcome to all to this liturgical and musical gem in Edinburgh.
Saturday 29th April 2023 will be recalled as one of the momentous days for the Robin Chapel and its choir. With the Choir’s discretion I agreed that the they would lead the praise at the Service to mark the arrival of the Stone Of Destiny at Westminster Abbey for the Coronation of King Charles III. Sixteen Lay Clerks and Choristers magnificently filled the Abbey with Sir James Macmillan’s anthem ‘O Radiant Dawn’ and Psalm 133. They led the congregation in singing ‘O God of Bethel’ and the National Anthem. The Choir and I were positioned beyond the Tomb Of The Unknown Warrior captured by ITV!
As the Choir rehearsed I had the unique opportunity of sitting beside the Coronation Chair and the Stone of Destiny in front of the Great West Door of the Abbey. Reflecting on the history of this ancient stone with the succession of Scottish Monarchs, English and British Monarch who have been crowned on it was extremely emotional and being proximate to such tradition was a superb experience.. The sight of the Coronation Chair with its graffiti of generations past and thinking of the three Monarchs of my generation was thought provoking.
The Choir were highly praised by the clergy of the Abbey which was well merited praise from seasoned observers.

I have frequently complimented the Choir but the sixteen excelled themselves on a truly memorable performance when it really mattered.
The Lord Lyon King of Arms and the Dean of His Majesty’s Chapel Royal in Scotland Professor David Ferguson (who has preached at the Robin Chapel) delivered suitable addresses.

Also present were the Lord Advocate, Dorothy Bain KC, the Duke of Buccleuch, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Deputy Prime Minister, Garter King of Arms, the Secretary of State for Scotland Mr Alistair Jack and the Service was conducted by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Rev. Dr David Hoyle.

On Sunday the Choir maintained the same outstanding quality at Crown Court Church  at a Joint Pre-Coronation Service of the two Churches of Scotland, the other being St. Columba’s Pont Street, The choir sang the anthem ‘O Clap Your Hands’ by Gibbons and joined the united choirs in singing ‘I Was Glad’ and ‘O Taste and See’.

The Robin Chapel Community can share my pride in our Choir’s achievements.

Professor Bert Kerrigan, KC (kerrigan@kerriganqc,com)

Click Title to download

Sunday 21.07.24 – Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 14.07.24 – Seventh Sunday after Trinity a Service to mark the 105th Anniversary of the Birth of Robin S F Tudsbery on 8 July 1919.

Sunday 07.07.24 – Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 30.06.24 – Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 23.06.24 – Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 16.06.24 – Third Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 09.06.24 – Second Sunday after Trinity – A Service to Commemorate D-Day

Sunday 02.06.24 – First Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 26.05.24 – Trinity Sunday

Sunday 19.05.24 – Pentecost

Sunday 12 May – The Seventh Sunday after Easter – The Sunday after Ascension Day

Sunday 05.05.24 – 6th Sunday after Easter – Marking the death of Robin Tudsbery on 30 April 1945 Guest Preacher – The Rev’d Paul L Sweeting, Chaplain, Sedbergh School, Cumbria

Sunday 28.04.24 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 21.04.24 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 14.04.24 – Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday 07.04.24 – Second Sunday of Easter or Low Sunday

Sunday 31.03.24 – Easter Day

Sunday 24.03.24 – The Sixth Sunday in Lent – Palm Sunday

Sunday 17.03.24 – The Fifth Sunday in Lent and St Patrick’s Day

Sunday 10.03.24 – The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Sunday 03.03.24 – The Third Sunday in Lent

Sunday 25.02.24 – The Second Sunday in Lent

Sunday 18.02.24 – The First Sunday in Lent

Sunday 11.02.24 – The Transfiguration

Sunday 04.02.24 – The Fifth Sunday in Epiphany

Sunday 28.01.24 – The Fourth Sunday in Epiphany – The Sunday marking Holocaust Memorial Day – Friday 26 January

Sunday 21.01.24 – The Third Sunday in Epiphany

Sunday 14.01.24 – The Second Sunday in Epiphany

Sunday 07.01.24 – A Service of Carols and Readings for Epiphany

Sunday 17.12.23 – Third Sunday in Advent – International Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Sunday 10.12.23 – Second Sunday in Advent

Sunday 03.12.23 – Advent Sunday – A Service of Carols and Readings for Advent


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The appointed Safeguarder is Trustee, Chris Sheldon who can be contacted at chris.sheldon@turcanconnell.com or by telephone at 0131 228 8111 and should be in the event of any safeguarding concern whatsoever.

The Trustees are very grateful for anyone who wishes to donate flowers to the Robin Chapel.

Please indicate your interest in doing so to the Chaplain.